Gibson knifehand 4
Photo by Wesley Kirk / Vision & Verve

Want to know the real story behind the black belt?

My book, Kicking and Screaming: a Memoir of Madness and Martial Arts from She Writes Press is available on Amazon and everywhere else books are sold.

Read an excerpt here.

What people are saying about it:
“Gibson’s sharp-witted, tenacious personality radiates throughout this spirited book, and her determination should prove contagious, spurring readers to discover a pathway through which they can combat mental illness and discover their true selves.

An inspirational, sharp, and disarmingly humorous account about taekwondo and mental health.”–Kirkus Reviews

“This is not a martial arts story. It’s the terrifying tale of a beautiful soul at war with itself. I applaud Melanie for having the courage to reveal her darkest struggles in the hope of helping others. Let the breakthrough in these pages be a call to us all to transform from our own worst enemy to our own best friend.” – Ando Mierzwa, Happy Life Martial Arts

“Melanie’s story proves that mental illness can be overcome. That alone would be enough, but the fact that she rekindled her love of Taekwondo, and used it for its true purpose (inner peace) made it that much more compelling. A must read for anyone looking to get out of a rut!” — Grayson Berry (Writer, Producer; Actor on Cobra Kai-Netflix)

“This inspiring memoir traces the author’s journey through mental illness, alcohol abuse, and challenging relationships with the help of taekwondo. Told with humor and disarming honesty, it captures the reader’s attention with a lively style and sound writing. (It also has a great title.)”She Writes Press

Melanie has written many articles and has been a guest on several podcasts, including the prominent martial arts podcast Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio.
Visit Melanie in the Media for articles, book reviews, interviews, and podcasts.



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